субота, 27. април 2013.

Best friends - 4 - ever

There isn't many people who can be real friend and always be there for you. I'm so happy that I found those real friends. Like I sad, they are always there for me. Some friends I met about 10 years ago and some soon. But every friendship should appreciate, no mater when it's started or how long is.

I wrote this in my school paper, and I got an A! But, just to know, I wrote that from my heart.
xoxo Katy.

Nema mnogo ljudi koji mogu biti pravi prijatelji i uvek biti tu za tebe. Mnogo sam srecna sto sam nasla te prave prijatelje. Kao sto sam rekla, oni su uvek tu za mene. Neke sam upoznala pre oko 10 godina, a neke skoro. Ali svako prijateljstvo treba ceniti bez obzira kada je pocelo ili koliko traje.

Ovo sam napisala u mom sastavu u skoli i dobila sam 5! Ali, samo da se zna,to sam napisala iz srca.
xoxo Katy.

There isn't any friends without laught and having fun. That's what are friends for!
Ne postoji prijateljstvo bez smeha i zabave. Tome sluze prijatelji!

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